Soybean Variety Choices

2425 heat units
Variety with RR2X technology that offers excellent field emergence and harvest standability
Average plant height for the maturity
Provides an additional option for weed control

2400 heat units
Variety with RR2X technology that offers excellent field emergence
Strong harvest standability
Very good anti-shattering score
Additional option for weed control
2350 heat units
NEW 00 maturity Xtend soybean with excellent yield potential
Very good harvest standability.

Soybean Numbering System

2375 heat units.
NEW mid maturity soybean with SCN resistance.
Good canopy width soybean with very good yield potential.
Performs well on heavy soils.
2300 heat units.
NEW 00 maturity Xtend soybean with excellent harvest standability and early growth scores.
Very good anti-shatter score.
4 bu/ac higher yielding than Pioneer variety P000A87R.