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We know that spring is a busy time for you and picking up seed can tie up trucks and people that are already needed in your day to day activities so we aim to assist our customers by delivering seed and granular soybean inoculant when possible.



We don't just sell seed, we support it. We are committed to helping the products that we provide to your farm result in success. We look forward to planning discussions and walking fields in season with you to


  • Evaluate plant stands

  • Nutrient Planning and Deficiency Diagnosis

  • Develop Weed control options

  • Scout for insects or disease

  • Integrated Pest Management Decisions


Seed Treating

With our large scale Gustafson RF 2000 seed Treater, we can apply accurate and consistent seed treatments, inoculants, and seed primers on seed up to 2,000 lbs seed/minute


Custom Planting

We operate a John Deere 1790 24 row planter on 20" spacing. We do custom planting for our corn customers.


2024 Replant Policy

100% Soybeans (when treated)
75% Corn & Canola


Early Pay Savings & Deferred Pay

As a Corteva Pioneer customer, you can take advantage of the company's Early Pay Savings (EPS) Program, which allows you to pick your commitment date and calculate your savings quickly and easily.


Alternatively, Corteva Pioneer offers one of the seed industry’s most flexible financing program. With our plan, you can conveniently space your payments over the winter months.

Mark Sloane Cell: 204-825-8443
Dawna Sloane Cell: 204-825-4161
Kyle Sloane Cell: 204-245-1227

Sloane Agriventures Ltd. | Privacy Policy | Maintained by AG Marketing


This site has been designed to bring you local information to support your farming operation in and around Clearwater, Manitoba. For more information about Pioneer, headquartered in Johnston, Iowa, see Pioneer's web site at


Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents.  ®, SM, TM Trademarks and service marks of Corteva, Pioneer or their respective owners. © 2024 PHL.


Portrait photo credit to Picard Photo

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