Canola Agronomy

Canola Council Seeding Rate Charts + Calculator:
Seeding Rate - Canola Council of Canada
Assessing Canola Plant Stand:
Many websites will demonstrate measuring your existing plant stand with a hula hoop - I don't know about you but my Hula Hoop days were over long ago so I now prefer to use a tape measure and count the plants in 2 adjacent rows - Here is a calculator that will allow you to convert these counts into meaningful numbers:
Assessing Canola Planting Performance | OMAFRA Field Crop News
Assessing Flea Beetle Damage:
Estimating flea beetle damage in canola | Canola Watch – Free, Unbiased, Timely and Research Focused
Assessing frost Damage: Spring frost:
Take a few days to assess damage | Canola Watch – Free, Unbiased, Timely and Research Focused
Blackleg Risk/Management:
Blackleg - Canola Council of Canada
Clubroot Risk/Management:
Clubroot update:
Manitoba cases, R varieties | Canola Watch – Free, Unbiased, Timely and Research Focused
Swathing timing & Straight Cutting Considerations for Canola: