Easy to do business with us
We care about your success
We add value in every opportunity with you

Sloane Agriventure Ltd. runs many trails around the local area of Clearwater, Manitoba.
We conduct multiple trials for Canola, Soybeans and Corn.
Easy To Do Business With
We will communicate and do business the way you prefer. Face to face at your farm or in our office, e-mail, social media, through texting or fax. We are available to our customers whenever and however you need us. Your experience with Sloane AgriVentures Ltd. is without a lot of confusing programs or processes. We will work hard to keep things simple and easy to understand and yet maximize your potential seed savings through any programs that may be applicable to your farm.
Caring About Your Success
We care about our customer's success. We are a family owned farm and seed business in a small town and although we appreciate the support of our customers, we clearly recognize that we will only succeed if the products and service that we provide you will help your farm business to also succeed.
Add Value
We strive to add value at every opportunity. We know that you have lots of choices on where to buy your seed. Sloane Agriventures Ltd. wants to be the best place you can buy seed. Through a number of different methods (meetings, agronomy emails, social media, Youtube) we will provide you with the most recent and pertinent agronomy support in the industry today.
We are farmers and we ask ourselves the very same questions that you ask every day. The value we provide through agronomy support and quality products will make Sloane AgriVentures ltd. someone that we as farmers would want to do business with.